Speed Bump Installation

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Speed bump

Protect drivers and pedestrians with professional speed bumps or speed humps!

At DNE Asphalt Services Inc., our Florida asphalt contractors are certified to install speed bumps on any type of surface, including asphalt and concrete. During each appointment, our team will provide thorough service, from deep cleaning the site of installation to accurately measuring the surface. With each speed bump installation, we guarantee improved traffic flow and precise placement.

Contact us today to schedule commercial or residential asphalt speed bump installation!


Encourage Road Safety

With a new speed bump install, you can play your part in reducing crashes. Our experienced paving contractors are trained to install bright, highly reflective speed bumps that are visible to drivers during the day and at night.

Inhibit Speeding

Speed bumps in residential neighborhoods are meant to slow traffic to about 10 mph to 20 mph. The idea behind these traffic safety devices is that by discouraging speeding, vehicular accidents will be prevented. Ultimately, drivers that maintain slow speeds will be more likely to be aware of their surroundings and more likely to stop in the event of an incoming collision.

What Are The Benefits Of Our Speed Bump Installation Company?

  • Bright, Reflective Taping
  • Knowledgeable On Florida Regulations
  • Customized Speed Bump Sizing

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