Asphalt Milling

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Asphalt milling

Asphalt milling involves the removal of the top layer of pavement, which can then be replaced with a new surface layer.

The purpose of asphalt milling is to reduce the appearance of damaged pavement, without the need for a full repavement. Overall, asphalt millings are more affordable than a full overhaul of a parking lot, road, or bridges. This treatment is superior at mending potholes that would have otherwise ruined a customer’s commute.

The main benefit of asphalt milling is that it is sustainable and environmentally friendly. Asphalt millings are composed of a mixture of recycled, crushed asphalt pavement. As such, this repair method helps repurpose pavement from past projects in an eco-friendly manner.

Play a role in reducing waste and breathe new life into old asphalt. For more information on milling, contact us today to schedule service!


What Repairs Does Asphalt Milling Address?

Asphalt milling is an affordable and effective solution for eliminating troublesome cracks, bumps, and ruts. During the process, a professional contractor from DNE Asphalt Services Inc. uses a milling machine to remove the compromised top layer of pavement. Without damaging the asphalt sub-base, the contractor then replaces the surface layer with brand-new aggregate. This repair method prevents water from penetrating the asphalt pavement, which helps to avoid further deterioration.

The entire procedure, from site preparation to curing, is relatively fast, minimizing traffic disruption and downtime. Businesses that rely on asphalt parking lots or roadways can quickly return to serving customers and assisting clients.

Offer A Smoother Drive

Asphalt surface irregularities—such as potholes—can make driving unsafe. Replacing the cracked asphalt surface with a refreshed aggregate mix removes this risk. The top layer is leveled, transforming a previously bumpy path into a smooth drive. This process reduces the risk of skidding, tire damage, and vehicular accidents. With quality asphalt milling, drivers can navigate your driveway, parking lot, or pathway with ease.

After the milling process is complete, remember to reapply any  line striping that was removed with the top asphalt layer. A contractor from DNE Asphalt Services Inc. can draft a clear and comprehensive layout for your parking lot. Using this design plan, they will apply highly visible traffic paint to your asphalt surface. This application includes directional arrows and stall markings that comply with ADA requirements and regional standards, ensuring your parking lot is accessible to all customers.

Environmentally-Friendly Method

Compared to full slab replacement, milling is a more sustainable choice for asphalt repairs. This process uses fewer resources and produces lower carbon emissions than installing a new asphalt surface.

Additionally, the millings collected during the process can be easily reused in other pavement projects. Reclaimed asphalt pavement is combined with other old pavement materials during hot or cold recycling. This recycled asphalt paving material can then be applied to the base or sub-base of various roadway projects, breathing new life into the property’s surfaces.

What Are The Benefits Of Asphalt Milling?

  • Cost Effective
  • Repairs Surface Damage
  • Environmentally Friendly

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